
The ocean floor, it holds the darkest parts of you.

If you really, truly hate the activities that I engage in, then don't come over. You know what goes on here and you still come over, just to leave in a pissy mood. Nobody cares. Nobody cares about your pissy mumbling that you like to pretend, if said quietly enough, no one will hear. Christ.

I miss what we used to have. It was fun and silly and stupid. And now, you're over-sensitive. Just stop.


Start the Countdown!

15 days until:
I get my braces off!
I feel pretty.
I can start whitening my teeth.
I'm not uncomfortable anymore.

I'm happy!



So lately I've been a pretty busy girl. I've had a few midterms at school and various other events have occured.

Approximately three weeks ago I got my first tattoo. I'll be sure to upload a picture. Somehow. It didn't really hurt, it was more annoying feeling than anything. I was very happy with it though. :]

I got my final adjustment to my braces today. I get them off April 6. I'm totally stoked. Probably more than most people getting their braces off. I could totally suck a dick right now due to my excitement.

After I got my braces tightened, I waddled over to McDonald's to get some chow. My roommate works at McDonald's so I saw him, which is irrelevant. Anyway, whilst sitting alone at my table in the corner, Tragedy by The Bee Gees came on. When I was in high school, this song was my AP English class's "go back to your seat" song. My teacher would play this at the end of our five minute break and we'd all come scrambling back to the classroom. It's a good thing I was already sitting, otherwise I probably would have hauled ass to a seat.

Also, I watched a pretty brutal video about parasites in my microbiology class today. It was totally awesome.

Well, that's all kiddies.


Cloud cult!

So errrbody. Today I'm going to go see Cloud Cult play in Grinnell, Ia. It's about an hour or so away, but it's all good. Riding up there with my roommate and his parents (Arlen, the drummer, is ther son and he's my roommate's brother). I'm pretty pumped. Haven't really gotten out of the apartment in awhile.

Last night was pretty fun. Watched Back to the Future with some friends. Did some other illegal stuff with friends. Haha. Not going to say on here. :D Played Mario Kart for awhile. I also cleaned the kitchen yesterday! Yeah. Steppin' up in the world.

That's pretty much all I've done since last post. So I'm going to go now, otherwise I keep writing random, unimportant things about my uneventful life. Seeya, wouldn't want to be ya.


Changing my major.

For the past two years or so I've been dead-set on going into nursing. But I've always had a few different career choices chilling out in my mind.

  • Veterinarian

  • Fireman

  • Medic in the military

  • Biologist (specificly in studying camels)

  • Mortuary Science

I have finally decided, full-heartedly, on going into mortuary scinence. Mainly to be an embalmer, I'd rather not be a funeral director. Dealing with crestfallen induviduals has never really been my forte. Actually, dealing with people has never been my forte. Which is why I sit here with the desire to be an embalmer.
